And We’re Off…
May 31st, 2008 by CarsonFor once in my life I’m a bit short for words here; not sure what to say for a first post. Welcome to Tighten Up the Graphics, something Travis and I decided to do because we don’t have enough to do with our already stupid busy lives.
The first strip is really more of our mentality going into this, rather than what the discussion actually went like. We both knew it was stupid, but we both wanted to do a webcomic about game design, but on our own. However, we both knew that doing a webcomic solo would never get off the ground. One of the very few things about our personalities that is similar (besides being gaming nerds) is the fact that we both require someone else pushing us a bit, giving us pressure, in order to get off of our lazy asses and get something done.
So we decided to fail together.
And failure became our motto. I’m sure Travis already mentioned it in his first post (we’re typing these up blind at the same time), but we have set out to suck. EPIC FAIL is our goal, and damnit, we are going at it full steam ahead.
I hope you enjoy the trainwreck ride.